Film: The Seance
(Short thriller in pre-pro)
Role: The Medium
Director/DOP/Writer: Mol Smith

Film: The Rift
(Feature length Sci-Fi thriller in pre-pro)
Role: The Hologram
Director/DOP/Writer: Mol Smith

Film: Out
(Short drama)
Role: Teddy Bennett
Director: Graham Bradshaw

Film: Domestic abuse awareness crimestoppers campaign
Role: Best friend of victim
Client: Thames Valley Police
Director: Neil Griffiths for Global Radio

Film: Shadower
(Fantasy/supernatural thriller feature in post-pro)
Role: Shadower soldier
Director: Gary Andrews for Ego Trip Productions

Film: The Hollow Stones
(Sci-fi drama short in production)
Role: Leslie Grey
Director: Sammy Stevenson for Origin Productions

Film: The Six Penny Opera
(Short, Brechtian art-house film)
Role: Lilith
Writer/Director: Nick Walker

Film: Tainted Love
(Full-length supernatural thriller feature)
Role: Jenny
Director/DOP: Will Moore
Writer/Producer: Mol Smith

Film: Back Dated (Sci-fi short)
Role: Lead character's Mother
Writer/Director: Luke Harrison

Web series: Gabriel Cushing Vs The Zombie Vampires
Role: Zombie Vampire #1
Director: Mark R. Adams for Great Escape Films

Film: Digging Up Your Roots – Ms Yuno Hu (Comedy short)
Role: Ms Yuno Hu
Director: Mariko Francombe for Red Reel

Film: The Lemarchand Project
Role: Lead Scientist, Dr. Jane Warren
Director: Mark R. Adams for Point Zero Productions

Play: Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov
Role: Yelena
Director: Graham Fyffe for the Wallingford Corn Exchange Theatre

Film: Want Not (short drama)
Role: Jane
Director: Holly Swain for Red Reel

Film: Godforsaken (feature thriller)
Role: Katharine Newton
Director: Sarah Harlow for Red Reel

Film: Friday The 13th – No Man's Land (fan film)
Role: Barbara Vines
Director: David Hastings for Lightbeam Productions

Play: Safe House (Tour plus Edinburgh Festival 2010)
Role: News Broadcaster
Directors: James Hamer-Morton & Emma Kendrick for Broken Pipe Theatre

Film: Sentiment For A Life
Role: Miss Lopa
Director: Josh Ferguson for Pigeon Plane Productions

Play: Enemies by Maxim Gorky
Role: Tatiana
Director: Janet Davies

Film: Coffin Full Of Tuesday
Role: Angela Danvers
Director: Martin Norton for Norton Media

Film: The Interview
Role: The Vampire Ania Karek
Director: Martin Norton for LewNor Productions

Film: Little Amy
Role: Claudia Doran, a villager
Director: Sammy Stevenson for Origin Productions

Film: SvP
Role: Biker Scout
Director: Neil Elverson

Web Advert: National Space Centre, Leicester
Role: Imperial Military Officer
Director: Martin Norton for Norton Media